
Inaugural Message

Special Message of Hadhrat Ameer-ul-Momineen Khalifa-tul-Masih V (atba) on the inauguration of Jamia Ahmadiyya International

“I am very pleased that an International Jamia Ahmadiyya has been established in Ghana. Alhamdulillah! We should be thankful to Allah for this immense bounty which He has bestowed upon us.

The fundamental purpose of establishing the Jamia has been explained by the Promised Messiah علیہ السلام   in the following words:

The only purpose for establishing this Madrassah is as I have instructed earlier that it must be reflected that this Madrassah becomes a mean for the propagation of Islam and such scholars and devotees graduate from it that they abandon worldly jobs and gains and choose to serve the religion... And they must be able to propagate the verities and qualities of Islam in a powerful and lofty manner”.

(Al-Hakam10th February 1906)

As you are all aware, the needs of Jama’at Ahmadiyya continue to increase, and we continue to spread the message of Allah to the corners of the earth. This being the enormous task which has been assigned to us, if we calculate the number of missionaries that is required for the fulfilment of this great objective, the figure is so huge that if we consider the few Jamias we have at the moment, and we count all the student missionaries within them, it is evident that we do not have enough to fulfil our aim.

Nevertheless, the establishment of this Jamia, by the Grace of Allah, is an ongoing effort of the Jamaat to open the Jamias in different countries. Allah has granted us the wonderful opportunity of opening an International Jamia in Ghana which will be open to students from all African countries to come and gain religious education. This knowledge is that divine light which Allah the Almighty bestowed on the Holy Prophet Muhammadﷺ.In this age, the Promised Messiah علیہ السلام   has illuminated us with this again and enlightened us with profound spiritual knowledge which we have to spread to every corner of the world.

Regarding the spread of Jamias, one of Hadhrat Musleh Maud’s daughters saw in a dream an aero plane flying in the sky and she saw that Hadhrat Musleh Maud was on the plane and she was sitting next to him. The plane continued to traverse through the air and below it appeared the building of Jamia Ahmadiyya. This building continued to follow the plane and continued to do so without end, meaning in effect that Jamias would one day spread all over the world.

Further, it also means that missionaries who would graduate from Jamia would spread into the world but remaining under the constant care and supervision of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya.

Those of you who are having the privilege of joining this Jamia are most fortunate. My advice to you is that you should increase your religious knowledge. You should focus all your attention to your studies in this regard, whatever knowledge is taught to you, you should try to comprehend it fully and try to understand it, the reason being not only to pass the examination, but the knowledge that you have acquired should be applied to your daily life and should be disseminated further.

The most precious knowledge is the knowledge of the Holy Quran. Therefore, you should try to learn the correct translation, read the commentary and make it your practice to contemplate deeply on the meanings of the verses. Therefore, from the first day, your attention should be focused on the Holy Quran because without the Holy Quran, you cannot progress. Further, you should learn and gain excellence in Hadith.  

The books of the Promised Messiah علیہ السلام contain within them the supreme commentaries of the Holy Quran and erudite explanations of Hadith. Therefore, your singular objective should be to study his books thoroughly and meticulously to attain the comprehension of the beauties contained in the Holy Quran. Apart from this, you should have no other objective in mind.

You should pay particular attention to your morals and endeavor to constantly improve your moral qualities. You should try to keep away from unnecessary worldly affairs so that when you venture into the field, it is as if you have arrived fresh and pure, directly from Allah to go forth into the world to further His religion.

With regard to fulfilling the responsibilities which are placed upon you in the field, it is essential that first you establish a living relationship with Allah, your Creator. You should constantly recite the prayer:

“اِهْدِنَاالصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيْمَ ”

“Guide us on the right path”

You should say this prayer often and prostrate before Allah. Missionaries are exemplars of the faith and your role is to carry out Tarbiyyat and reform others. Therefore, until the time that righteousness is not embedded deeply within your being, you will not be able to guide and transform the lives of others so that they may be drawn towards goodness. Therefore, in your every action, you must keep righteousness in mind as it will be your exemplary demonstration of righteousness which will positively influence others.

When you have dedicated yourself for the faith, it is essential that you educate yourself regarding this and the best way to learn is to adopt those pathways which Allah has taught us. The most important element is the establishment of Salat and saying prayers in congregation. You should pray regularly, offerTahajjud and also Nawawi, and recite a portion of the Holy Quran daily.

Also remember that as a missionary, you should be self-reliant and train yourself to live within your means. You should seek Allah’s help and guidance at all times. It is my prayer that may Allah bless this new Jamia and all its staff and students, and may this Jamia be a source of producing hundreds and thousands of pious and dynamic missionaries whose dedicated efforts and fervour enable the rapid spread of Islam and Ahmadiyyat to the far reaches of the earth. May Allah bless you all.”Wassalam,

Hadhat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
Khalifa tul Masih V